
文化庁 令和2年度戦略的芸術文化創造推進事業 「文化芸術収益力強化事業」として実施された「緊急舞台芸術アーカイブ+デジタルシアター化支援事業(EPAD)」報告書が公開されました。下記URLより、PDF版が閲覧・ダウンロード可能です。






【愛知県】343446_1394645_misc.pdf (pref.aichi.jp)




① 国(文化庁)
・geibun@mext.go.jp (以上3つのアドレスにお送りください)
② 都府県(例)東京都の場合

World Stage Design 2022 Online Event × World Theatre Day  2021.3.27.→日本時間3.28(0:00~2:00)

World Stage Design 2022 Online Event × World Theatre Day 

OISTAT is pleased to present “Theatre Design Salon” on 2021 World Theatre Day. Theatre Design Salon invites 3 World Stage Design winners to share their design process and experiences of attending WSD.
Theatre design is key to engaging audiences. Are you curious about how theatre designers transform a concept into reality? What are the challenges they face in design? How do they adapt creativity to overcoming challenges? Join us to explore what goes on inside theatre designers’ brain.
Date: March 27, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 15:00-17:00 (GMT, UTC+0); View Timetable

GMT, UCT+0 Agenda
15:00-15:20 WSD 2022 visions & how to submit works
15:20-15:40 Rodo Guadarrama (Mexico) |
Gold Medal / Performance Design /WSD 2017 Emerging Designer
15:40-16:00 Tao Chiang (Taiwan) |
Gold Medal /Sound Design /WSD 2017 Professional Designer
16:00-16:20 Agata Skwarczyńska (Poland) |
Gold Medal / Performance Design/ WSD 2017 Professional Designer
16:20-17:00 Panel Discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Ian Garrett (Canada) |
WSD 2022 Advisory Committee – WSD Exhibition Designer

Please fill out the registration form before March 21. (*詳しくは一般社団法人日本舞台美術家協会HP=oistat日本センター会員様)
The confirmation letter with meeting room link will be sent out by March 24.
If you have any questions, please email to events@oistat.org.

What is World Stage Design?
World Stage Design (WSD) is a quadrennial theatre design exhibition and competition for individual designers. WSD is comprised of 4 distinct components that are presented simultaneously:

  1. International Design Exhibition and Competition
  2. Scenofest
  3. Theatre Architecture Competition (TAC)
  4. Technical Invention Prize (TIP)

SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum, October 9-13, 2020

SENA: Southern European & Northern African / OISTAT Scenography and Theatre Technology Forum, OISTAT major international project. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, SENA 2020 has been postponed to 2022.
Therefore, SENA Team decided to hold SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum to connect theatre faculty through digital platforms.

OISTAT is pleased to present “SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum” on October 9 to 13, 2020. With 20 sessions in 5 days, SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum will bring various aspects of theatre architecture, design, technology, education, and research in Southern European and Northern African.
SENA 2020/2022 forum is free of charge, click to see full program.



Message from the President in Pandemic Times
Dear OISTAT friends,

Just the other day I got reminded by my cell phone to check in for my flight from Houston to Habana.
Attending USITT – where I wanted to get inspired, meet friends from all over and of course do my annual check-up with the board – provided an excellent bonus opportunity to travel on to Cuba, to join the Congress of the Theatres of Latin America (TTLA). Perfect timing.
With just one ‘but’: I was not in Houston when I received my phone alert to check in for my Havana-flight. I was at home, in the Netherlands, in a lockdown situation because of the COVID-19 virus.

I don’t think there is anyone of us who is not affected by the Corona pandemic. The impact is grave.
My deepest respect primarily goes to those who work in healthcare, in whichever way – they are the heroes of our time. The global economy is shaking and all economic activity is in danger, effecting people’s lives in a severe way. With such big issues to deal with, art might seem a superfluous matter. It’s not. On the contrary.

Art is the silent engine that makes the world a better place. It’s proving itself to be true now that the pandemic has confined us to our homes, and we feel the lack of it. Not being able to practice, to create, to interact – whereas that is exactly where we normally all strive at: sharing a live experience. Its importance is all the more clear now that we are lacking it.

I’m impressed by the creativity found on a new stage: the digital one. Initiatives are emerging on the digital platform in order to create bridges in these difficult times. Our sector is proving its resilient status. My respect goes to you all, staying positive although you have to be working in solitude instead of in teams, seeing your opening nights cancelled, audiences absent, work postponed, income evaporated….and still finding ways to share your work and be constructive. All working hard, and setting the example to stay positive: preparing and rehearsing at home, performing on your balcony, give lessons in Zoom or Hangout sessions, in short: being able to stay optimistic and inspiring.  Especially now, we have to show unstoppable belief in the healing force of art, for our soul needs mending and comforting too.
I’m proud of all of you.

Stay safe, stay healthy, be careful out there,

Bert Determann
OISTAT President