



Annual Report | OISTAT in 2021

Annual Report | OISTAT in 2021    Apr 26, 2022

OISTAT strives to connect worldwide theatre practitioners by creating various platforms. Although the pandemic has changed the way we interact, the core values of OISTAT remain the same.In 2021, OISTAT held its first online World Congress and President & Executive Committee Elections. 35 sessions were held in 6 days and 310 people from 50 countries attended. 2021 was a fruitful year for OISTAT. Thank you for your continuous support and participation. Revisit the events highlights by download or read OISTAT in 2021 online.

朝倉摂展 生誕100年2022年4月16日(土)〜6月12日(日) 神奈川県立近代美術館/葉山

朝倉摂展 生誕100年2022年4月16日(土)〜6月12日(日) (OISTAT日本センター前会長)

一般社団法人 日本舞台美術家協会 朝倉摂展 生誕100年 (jatdt.or.jp)


企画展「生誕100年 朝倉摂」
会場:神奈川県立近代美術館 葉山 展示室1〜3a・4
観覧料:一般 1,200円、20歳未満・学生 1,050円、65歳以上 600円、高校生 100円
※「生誕100年 朝倉摂」展の観覧券で、同日に限りコレクション展「手跡(てあと)をたどる  特集:中尾誠」を観覧可


日本で唯一の舞台美術専門の賞 2022年4月13日受賞者決定!



主催:一般社団法人 日本舞台美術家協会

OISTAT on Russia-Ukraine Crisis / Mar 21, 2022

OISTAT condemns any form of violence and aggression against humanity and the violation of international law. We hope for the restoration of peace, freedom, and security in the home of the Ukrainian people.

After receiving and reviewing the broad input from OISTAT members, the EC met and makes its statement on the Russia-Ukraine crisis:

OISTAT condemns any form of violence and aggression against humanity and the violation of international law. OISTAT is an inclusive organization for individuals working in all fields of the performing arts around the world. Our mission is to promote the formation of OISTAT Centres with the participation of individuals, alliances, and institutions in all regions of the world, to respect the integrity of all cultures, and celebrate the diversity as well as the similarities of those who work in support of live performance.

We believe that individuals should not be penalized for the terrible actions of an oppressive regime. According to OISTAT Inclusion Policy, all approved OISTAT events must be open to all OISTAT member organizations, associate members, and individuals in all regions, and all OISTAT member organizations, associate members, and individuals in all regions are treated equally and without prejudice.

On the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, we recognize the Russian government as the aggressor, as well as recognize that its actions are not unanimously supported by Russian citizens. While this conflict continues, OISTAT will address the membership with care, taking into consideration each request separately, through communication with members in conflict areas.

We encourage our colleagues to assist by their own means in ending human suffering and the end of the war in Ukraine, we hope for the restoration of peace, freedom, and security in the home of the Ukrainian people.

OISTAT will stay open as a global network that provided sites for professional dialogue, cultural understanding, and free speech. By joining OISTAT and being part of this community, you agree to be aligned with the missions above and the values shared in our organization.

Download document in PDF

OISTAT President Messege ! [Shaken by the current conflict in the World]

Dear OISTAT friends,

We are all very shaken by the current conflict in the world. The escalation of the Russia-Ukraine crisis turned into war and its consequences concern us all.
Several conversations are ongoing within the OISTAT community and we have an EC OISTAT meeting scheduled soon to discuss how to approach it as a community and to issue an official statement.
In the meantime, we have been in contact with colleagues from the countries in conflict and their neighbors, as well as collecting the diverse opinions and manifestations of the OISTAT members.

Please feel welcome to share your thoughts by email to me directly with copy to HQ if you wish to do it.


Aby Cohen